Track Comfort


Trackcomfort is a technology platform. Our smartphone app track comfort is a part of track comfort Management System. The purpose of this app is to facilitate school management to keep track of Van drivers and monitor the ride from origination to destination and vice versa. It connects end user (parents), driver and school management to keep track and monitor of children’s, ride on vans from pickup and drop locations and back and forth. Also, it tracks and monitors status of users (children) got on board or not along with driver’s location, driver information and ride status. Trackcomfort is not limited to Schools only but it can also facilitate, other organizations such as transport organizations which operates vans.

User login to App and select user to track and can update user status to travel or not. And subsequently can track driver and user location and status on ride. It also provides text message service, so user can send message to driver and complaint, feedback regarding driver and application malfunction. User interface also provides to update user profile and change password facilities.


Key Modules / Functions

1. Smart App interface
2. Centralize core application server
3. Back office Administration

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