MSCL Remote Banking
Transaction (RBTS)
Remote Banking Transaction Server (RBTS) is a set of integrated
software modules which provides Interface to host banking
systems like MKI Equation/DBA Application to communicate with
the applications generating remote banking transactions. RBTS
can communicate in ISO8583 format or non-ISO format. ISO8583 is
a standard specification for creating and reading financial
transaction messages including Point of Sale (POS) transactions,
Automated Teller Machines (ATM) and network-to-network,
real-time financial transactions. RBTS provides communication
across these systems using a common TCP/IP Protocol.
MSCL Remote Banking Transaction (RBTS)®
1.1 RBTS Common Framework 2
1.2 RBTS Components 3
1.2.1 Client DLL 3
1.2.2 RBTS Communicator 3
1.2.3 RBTS Communicator Transaction Journal 3
1.2.4 RBTS Formatter 3
1.2.5 RBTS API Interface 3
1.2.6 RBTS API Transaction Journal 3
1.2.7 RBTS APIs 4
1.2.8 Interactive / Batch Mode Execution 4
1.2.9 ATM Switch Connectivity 4
1.2.10 MIS Reporting Tool 4
1.3 RBTS Versions 4
1.4 Top Reasons for Adopting RBTS 4
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RBTS accepts Client requests, interpret these messages, performs authentication of Clients, maintains call database, sends requests to banking applications running on Host Server and finally dispatches host responses to the corresponding Clients. Host can be IBM AS/400, UNIX or Windows NT based system. Following components are integrated in RBTS:
The purpose of this DLL is to enable non-ISO 8583 compliant applications to interface with RBTS. This DLL resides on each local client machine running the client application and is called from the programs running on these machines. It communicates with RBTS that forwards requests to the host machine for further processing and gets response from the host. RBTS will send back the output, received from the host, to the calling DLL. This component is only available in RBTS Windows version. In AS/400 version RBTS communicator handles this function.
This module receives Client request and authenticates the client through its IP address. It checks the format of the message and embeds Message format type flag with message and forwards these requests to RBTS Formatter. This module receives message from RBTS Formatter and forward it to the Client after validating Clients IP address. RBTS communicator records the incoming and outgoing transactions through RBTS transaction journal.
The responsibility of RBTS Transaction Journal is to log all transactions that will be received by RBTS communicator. It also logs the response that will be send to clients by RBTS communicator. This facility provides tracing of transaction for the purpose of audit trail and performance monitoring. RBTS transaction Journaling is an optional activity. It can be activated through parameter setting.
RBTS formatter is responsible for formatting transactions in RBTS format. It receives request from RBTS Communicator, checks the message format type (ISO or non-ISO format) and formats it into RBTS message format. It sends the formatted message to RBTS API Interface. On receipt of reply from Host via API Interface, Formatter formats the reply into message initial format (ISO or non-ISO) and transmits it to RBTS Communicator, which finally responds to the Client.
This module is interface between RBTS APIs and RBTS components. It receives request from RBTS formatter, checks the message type and sends this request to appropriate API. It also accepts the reply from RBTS APIs and transmits it to RBTS formatter. Interface also stores the transactions in database through API Transaction Journal.
This module logs transactions as soon as they are received at RBTS API Interface. This module records all RBTS transactions for ensuring synchronization and transaction recovery. It also maintains database for MIS reporting.
1.2.7 RBTS APIs
These APIs receive messages from RBTS API Interface and pass on these messages to Host Banking application to generate output for the requested queries. These outputs are then made available to Host API Interface. Depending on message type RBTS APIs communicate with Banking Application APIs or directly access the database where host system does not offer API facilities.
In windows version RBTS provides facility to the customer to control the execution mode (i.e. Batch or Interactive) of each transaction type. Through this facility users are able to control the service level by transaction type in-line with their corporate strategy. In AS/400 version RBTS uses OS/400 batch facility because of reliability and availability yet provides performance equal to Interactive mode.
RBTS can process ATM switch (like One-Link, M-Net) transactions. Transactions of multiple switches can also be processed through RBTS. Reports can be generated for reconciliation of switch transactions.
This tool provides required MIS reports analyzing Remote Banking Transactions. It generates reports through RBTS API Journal. The reports can be customized to suit client's needs.
Currently following two versions of RBTS are available:
1) RBTS AS/400 version
2) RBTS Windows Version
- Already implemented in a large Banks in Pakistan
- Support for ISO8583 and Non-ISO format transactions
- Simple and easy to implement
- Strong local support available
- Strong MIS Reporting facility
- Audit trail and reconciliation