An Information Technology company, was established by experienced and capable professionals of the field. Our areas of specialization are System Integration, Software Development , Consultancy services and Project Management.
MSCL’s strength in project management and system integration services is well recognized. MSCL employs project managers who adopt worldwide accepted project management methodology and to ensure our client’s satisfaction through successful projects.
In MSCL, we believe that the modern IT projects are complex and need collaboration among IT solution providers. We have already signed partnership agreements with IT vendors and service providers to be able to mobilize resources required to fulfil our clients’ expectations and business needs. sweep
Our Project Management Methodology clarifies uncertain requirements, starting with a clear business need, and ensures successful system implementation.
We have an extensive experience in creating high performing, digitally transformative and feature-packed mobile applications for all cellular platform
MSCL Capacity Services provides customized outsourcing solutions to help relieve companies from the task of managing computing resources
We are one of the very few companies which offer Cloud-based application services to its Clients. Most of the our products are now Cloud enabled
Our products
National Database & Registration Authority
I would like to compliment you for the excellent work your team has performed in handling the software for our Interactive Registration System (NSRC) Project. The Project assigned was unique, complex and required pioneering R&D and System Integration efforts. Your team has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism, dedication and commitment. The Project was completed within the scheduled time and budget allocated. The NSRC System has been successfully implemented at more than 150 Centers and 30 Mobile Registration Vans. We plan to implement it in 50 more centers and 20 more Mobile Registration Vans throughout the country within the next few months. I would like to wish you and your team success in all future endeavours which would help in contributing to make a better Pakistan. Well done and keep it up
Fauji Foundation
HBL Bank
Toyota Indus Motors
We are pleased to confirm that your project team has successfully completed the Business Process Re-Engineering project. This unique project was completed ahead of time and met IMC’s objectives. Your team assigned on this project has performed excellent work. They have demonstrated a high level of commitment and professionalism. We appreciate their work on our project and wish you the best in your business
National Institute of Cardio Vascular Diseases
MSCL has worked on this project adhering to the standard professionalism and produced deliverables which are of prime importance to NICVD, Karachi to perform relevant research on Patient’s Medical History
Karachi Water & Sewerage Board
MSCL was right choice as our IT Services partner
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation
MSCL completed a full scope of the project. MSCL has worked on this project adhering to the standard professionalism and produced deliverables which are of prime importance to MUCT (KMC) to perform department related operations
Union Bank Ltd. (now Standard Chartered Bank)
With reference of the services of MSCL for Union Bank Ltd, I am grateful, all the services provided MSCL in accordance with signed agreement, which will be expired on the day last of this month. I am pleased to inform you that Union Bank is interested to extend the said services with MSCL in same terms and condition for furthermore three months
Dream Foundation Trust
MSCL team has completed the project scope in a professional manner and met all project objectives. They worked extended hours and never reacted to the scope creep and dependencies beyond their control. All material was judicially utilized with no wastage